Do Massage Chairs Help You Lose Weight? – My Chair Reviews

Researchers have finally confirmed what massage therapists have long suspected: massage can be a powerful and effective weight-loss technique. Massage can help you lose weight by increasing your body’s resilience, enhancing muscle nourishment and flexibility, and supporting your mental and emotional well-being.

It isn’t easy to lose weight. Fortunately, incorporating massage into your healthy lifestyle is simple. So, let us discuss how a massage chair can help you lose weight in detail!

What are Massage chairs for?

Do Massage Chairs Help You Lose Weight

With a massage chair in the comfort of your own home, you may promote your well-being whenever you want. Also, Get benefits from a chair as long as you want, all at the touch of a button! Knowing that this relaxation is promoting weight loss is a huge step forward! 

Massage Chairs improve your well-being by incorporating the most customizable and technologically advanced features into your massage—many elements, such as the swivel seat, aid in spinal alignment.

Foot rollers for reflexology, zero gravity positions for spinal decompression, and other features are just a few of the many possibilities in Massage Chairs. Improving your health will result in weight loss in ways you never imagined.

How can a massage chair help you lose weight?

It stimulates the blood circulation

blood circulation

Our circulatory system transports nutrients and oxygen to all bodily organs and cells. This system comprises our heart and a network of blood arteries that transport blood—the arteries transport blood from our hearts to other places in our bodies.

A massage chair kneads the entire body and stimulates the numerous semi-blocked or constricted blood vessels. When these veins are triggered, blood flow to all of our vital organs increases, this increase in blood circulation results in proper nutrient transfer to critical bodily organs. Finally, regular massage chair therapy aids in the improvement of the body’s essential functions of organs.

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It increases the metabolism rate

It increases the metabolism rate

One of the essential variables influencing your body’s weight is its metabolism. You will be unable to lose weight if your metabolism is faulty. An unhealthy metabolism will exacerbate your difficulties. If your body’s metabolism does not function quickly enough, it will not be able to burn enough calories.

A slowed metabolism combined with a poor diet and overeating is the reason for obesity. In various ways, a massage chair can help you enhance your metabolism. For starters, increased blood circulation allows the digestive organs to break down nutrients more quickly. Regular massage treatments will also improve your sleep cycle, and a better sleep cycle will result in a faster metabolism.

It contributes to speedily Muscles Recovery

Muscles Recovery

Because of the initial discomfort, most people abandon the gym within a few days. This soreness is produced by muscle and tissue wear and tear following intense workout sessions. The pain frequently triumphs over the person’s desire to better shape. What if we told you that a massage chair might keep this dream alive? Isn’t it fantastic? A massage chair aids with muscle rehabilitation.

 It heals muscles and injured tissues by using heating pads. A deep tissue massage helps relieve muscle aches and pains and improves muscle strength. Improving muscular quality will drive you to visit the gym daily. You will begin to lose weight after starting weight-loss workouts without allowing muscular soreness to impact you.

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It improves the sleep cycle

improves the sleep cycle

Another little-known truth is that a healthier sleep cycle correlates to a fitter physique. You are steadily pushing your body’s boundaries if you do not sleep for at least 7 hours per day. People who do not practice good sleep hygiene may have a high Body Mass Index (BMI) and obesity. Inadequate sleep also stimulates hunger and causes overeating.

It immediately affects your hunger hormones, ghrelin, and leptin. If you don’t get enough sleep, your resting metabolism slows down. A massage chair can help with all of this. Daily massage chair sessions will calm your muscles and relieve any muscle-related problems.

It prohibits the overeating patterns

stress and depression

Obesity can occasionally be caused by stress and depression. When people are worried, they tend to overeat. Unhealthy eating habits and excess calories contribute to a rise in body fat. A more significant fat percentage raises weight and harms your weight-loss quest. It is when a massage chair can come in handy. You can obtain a daily dose of stress-relieving sessions using a massage chair.

Massage therapy alleviates stress by boosting the body’s happy hormones. A therapeutic massage season also lowers the level of stress hormones in the body. The combination of both of these behaviors results in a mind that is peaceful and stress-free. You won’t overeat until you’re at ease with your life, and then you will stick yourself to a healthy diet.

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How often should one use a massage chair?

As the phrase goes, everything in moderation certainly applies in this case. Too much time spent having a deep tissue massage might cause muscle bruising, especially if you are new to using a massage chair. It can also cause damage and inflammation in the body’s delicate tissues. That is not what we desire.

Most versions include an automatic timer to ensure that you do not exceed a specified time restriction. Some massage programs will shut down after a certain amount of time. If it doesn’t, or if the application you’re using isn’t timed correctly, simply set a timer on your phone, microwave, or another device to ensure that you don’t go too long. This timer or alarm is essential since lying in a massage chair might be so comfortable that you’ll fall asleep!

While it may feel so good that you want to spend the entire day in the chair but actuality, that would not only be impractical, but it would also be dangerous. Furthermore, although this may sound surprising, there is no additional benefit to utilizing the chair for more extraordinary lengths of time in one day. For various reasons, the help of a massage chair is best realized in shorter periods.


Massage provides numerous health benefits for the human body. It makes no difference whether one receives massage via an automatic system, such as massage chairs or recliners, or from a massage professional. Massage benefits are consistent across all forms.

Massage significantly aids in the removal of toxins from the body by stimulating the lymphatic system and burns fat by increasing metabolism as a result of enhanced blood circulation. It is frequently regarded as a positive answer to “Can a Massage Chair Help You Lose Weight?”

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you lose weight with a massage chair?

The research was conducted to examine the impact of three different forms of massage on various body regions. The findings suggested that manual lymphatic drainage, mechanical massage, and tissue manipulation aided in fat loss. Bodies burn calories regardless of movement, and even sleep consumes calories. Receiving massage therapy from a technological chair is similar to sleeping in that an individual is lying down entirely still. While resting, you use approximately 0.42 calories per hour for each pound of body weight for the average person. In this manner, a 160-pound person consumes around 67 calories during a 60-minute massage.

Is sitting in a massage chair suitable for you?

Massage chairs provide numerous advantages, including the reduction of tension and anxiety. They can also help decrease blood pressure and enhance overall health. There are numerous advantages to obtaining massage chair treatments regularly. These treatments should be viewed as part of a secure and healthy life. Massage treatment is an essential component of your overall health plan, and chairs help you accomplish your weight loss and health objectives.

How often should I use a massage chair?

Our bodies will automatically tell us how frequently we can utilize it. However, according to mainstream recommendations, two to three one-hour sessions of traditional massage are appropriate each week. On the other hand, a massage chair should not be used more than twice a day.

Can I use my massage chair every day?

Well, two to three sessions per week are pretty enough. Remember that the chair should be used in brief intervals ranging from two to fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes is more than enough time to enjoy the benefits, comfort, and relaxation that a massage chair provides to your aching muscles.

What are the disadvantages of a massage chair?

Excessive use of massage chairs can be a possible reason for muscle damage and inflammation. But if you are using the chair for a small duration twice or thrice a week, it would not cause any harm. The most incredible massage chairs help restore balance to your body and contribute to lower blood pressure and pulse rate. Immune system function has been improved. Under stress, your immune system may be inhibited, making you more susceptible to disease.