How Often Should You Use A Massage Chair?

We will discuss a miraculous way to wash away the tiredness after a long hectic day.

Of course, you do; that’s why you’re here. We all need to relax our muscles and get enough rest to regain energy for the upcoming day or week. A massage chair can be a perfect companion to take all the stress away as soon as you sit on it.

However, achieving the finest potential result takes time and patience. But the question is, how often should you use a massage chair and whether it has any side effects or not? Here, we will discuss all the benefits of a massage chair and how often it is good to use it, so let’s dive into the details without further ado.

Why Should You Opt For A Massage Chair?

Why Should You Opt For A Massage Chair

Many people wonder why they should go for a massage or whether it’s worth it or hype. Massage is not a luxury but a need in various situations discussed below.

1. To Heal Muscle Pain

If you’ve ever had persistent muscle pain and are familiar with the discomfort that comes from stiffness, you need some physical support along with the painkillers. Thankfully, technology has done an amazing job of relieving these ailments. A massage chair is one of the greatest options to relax muscles.

2. To Relief Stress

You may need a massage chair session if your stress levels climb to the point that you notice they affect your mental peace or sleeping patterns.

Therapeutic massage chair sessions are usually required 1 to 3 times per week. These chairs can be a game-changer for those dealing with stress and looking for the easiest way to relieve stress.

3. To Getting Rid Of Fatigue

After a long week at work, it’s quite normal to feel exhausted and to feel like not talking to anyone. It has nothing to do with stress or pain, but it is a kind of exhaustion from a hectic routine. A satisfying massage can be the least harmful way to help you get back to becoming energetic like before.

How Often do You Need To Use A Massage Chair?

How Often do You Need To Use A Massage Chair

It’s critical to understand how frequently you may use your massage chair to obtain the finest results. After all, treatment in a massage chair entails a relaxing but severe pressure on the muscles. So, how often may you have to massage that is safe and secure? That’s what we’re going to dig out so that you can have a safe and healthy massage session.

1. Start With Shorter Sessions

If you’ve never had a full-body, deep tissue massage before, it would be better to start with shorter sessions. It’s important not to overdo it, as everyone has a certain limit. Some people can tolerate pressure, like massages and sitting in a massage chair.

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2. Do Not Prolong A Session Than Twenty Minutes

The automatic programs last for around 15 to 20 minutes in most massage chairs. It is sufficient to de-stress the body and improve your overall health.

It’s important to remember this because lactic acid build-up can occur after an excessively long workout. Massage chairs with automatic programs that last up to 30 minutes can be beneficial to relaxing muscles and the body.

3. Two to Three Sessions Per Week

Some people report that one session every two days provides total relaxation and improved well-being. Our bodies will tell us how frequently we can utilize them independently.

On the other hand, traditional massage is recommended for two to three one-hour sessions per week. On the other hand, a massage chair should not be used more than twice a day.

4. Do Not Overdo With Chair

We recommend not overdoing the massage chair like any other thing. If you get a deep tissue massage for an extended period, your muscles can bruise, especially if you’re new to using a massage chair. Soft muscles in the body can also be injured and inflamed by it. That’s not what we’re looking for.

5. Overuse Can Be Dangerous

While it may feel so good that you want to stay in the chair all day, it is not safe to excessive use it. Not only would that be impractical, but it would also be dangerous. Furthermore, there is no benefit to sitting in a chair for an extended time every day. For various reasons, the benefits of a massage chair are best realized in shorter periods.

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It’s crucial to note that sitting in a chair for an extended period isn’t a good idea because they’re powerful and built to function rapidly.

You’ll also find intensity options that you may turn down to see what level is suitable for you when you’re initially using it. You can also utilize padding when acclimating to the chair for the first time.

Benefits Of A Massage Chair

Benefits Of A Massage Chair

Massage has a noticeable history of offering a variety of health benefits, ranging from pain reduction to enhanced circulation to faster recovery. These seats are made to let you rest and relax.

1. Strengthens The Immune System

When you are under stress, your immune system may be suppressed, increasing your vulnerability to illness. When you relax, your immune system is better able to function. While massage may not be able to prevent illness, it can aid in the establishment of conditions that allow your body to better protect itself from it.

2. Improves Heart Rate And Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can put a person’s health at risk for various illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage. Massage is a perfect way to prevent stress and keep your body healthy.

It activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for balancing the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The greatest massage chairs help you re-balance your body and maintain healthy blood pressure and heart rate.

3. Decreases Cortisol Level

In times of stress, the body’s reaction is triggered by cortisol. Chronically high cortisol levels can lead to various health problems, even though they are necessary for some situations. Cortisol levels and the “stress reaction” in the body can be reduced by massage therapy.

4. Heals Lower Back-pain

Many individuals go through lower back pain with time. Good massage therapy can help reduce lower back pain most healthily without pain killers. Regular massages can help to get rid of pain and help in healing.

5. Improves Sleep

Studies have found that massage treatment reduces weariness and increases sleep in young and old adults. Similar studies have found that increased wave measurements after massages increased sleep quality.

6. Releases Stress

One of the massage chair’s benefits is that it helps control and improve depression levels. Massage therapy has been demonstrated to stimulate “happy” hormones for a long time. Investing in a massage chair is like stocking up on these feel-good hormones daily.

7. Strengthen The Spine

A massage chair improves mobility and softens spastic muscles and spinal alignment, and blood flow to all body parts. One of the numerous benefits of massage chairs that many people appreciate is that they can help with scoliosis and balance the general structure of the skeletal system.

Spine, neck, and shoulder deviation can be corrected with regular massage chair use. They are so important and valuable in so many modern households.

Final Thoughts

We recommend using it two to four times a week for best success in relieving lower back, neck, and shoulder pain. Using the chair for relaxation and stress relief two to four times a week should be sufficient.

Your body and overall health might affect how long and often you use your chair. Keeping this in mind is vital.

A massage chair can assist in alleviating pain and tension if you’re fed up with stress and muscular discomfort disrupting your life and want to make a change. In simple words, it can be an excellent investment in your health and well-being.

Always contact your doctor before using a massage chair for back pain, muscular pain, or a specific muscle condition. Individuals with long-term health issues, old age people, and those who have just been injured are all at risk.


A massage chair is more of a need than a luxury and helps you get rid of various muscle aches and stress. However, excessive use of anything can harm instead of good, so it’s suggested to use a massage chair for up to twenty-five minutes max.

You can use it three or four times a week depending on your need since each person has different needs. The moderate use of a massage chair can help relax muscles and prevent various health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Recommended To Use A Massage Chair For A Better Health?

The massage chair has various health benefits and is great for healing stress and body aches. It is best to get rid of your stress after a tiring day.

Can I Use It Daily?

Excessive use of anything does harm than good, so it’s better to consult with a doctor if you have any health issues. In normal circumstances, two to four times a week is enough.

Are Massage Chairs Expensive?

It depends on the brand you choose, but you can invest one time and benefit from it for a long period.