How To Reset Massage Chair Remote? – My Chair Reviews

Massage chairs have become more popular nowadays due to their multiple functions and easy accessibility. People had to visit massage centers and spas for massage therapies in the past, but those days are gone now. 

You can now take a full body massage sitting at your home using a personalized massage chair. The experience is as same as a massaging center but at a meager cost. Here we will discuss the benefits of massaging the chair and, in case of any functional disorder, how can you reset its settings back to normal using the remote?

So, keep on reading!

What is a Massage Chair?

Full Body Electric Zero Gravity Shiatsu Massage Chair with Bluetooth Heating and Foot Roller for Home and Office

After a working day, all you need is a relaxing massage to help reduce the stress from your mind and body. Massage chairs are purpose-built chairs to give you therapeutic massages. People having arthritis and other muscle problems use these chairs for healing. 

The chairs have personalized settings such as massaging speed, the intensity of massaging rollers, types of massage, favorite massage points, music, and other options. These settings can be altered using the remote according to the user’s preference. 

Benefits of a Massage Chair: 

Massage chairs have numerous benefits discussed below.

1. Helps to Reduce Anxiety and Stress:

Helps to reduce anxiety and stress

A detailed study shows how a massaging chair helps fight stress and anxiety. The prolonged sessions of massage release certain hormones that make our minds happy. A good massage will make you calm and composed to deal with the daily chaos of life. 

2. Fast Muscle Recovery:

People with several muscle issues complain about muscle strain after gyms can cure their muscle pain using massaging chairs. These chairs are designed to provide massage at various angles to target these sore muscles.

Related article: How Often Should You Use A Massage Chair?

3. Helping with insomnia:

According to a study, about 70 million Americans deal with insomnia and blame it on technology such as phones and laptops. Using these massaging chairs will help you with this sleeping disorder, as it relaxes your muscles. People who have hectic routines and suffer constant fatigue should think of investing in a massage chair.

After a relaxed massage session, you will sleep much better than before and start your day with new energy.

4. Reduced Lower back pain:

Sitting in one position throughout the day can cause lower back pain which affects more than 10 percent population of the world. This lower back pain is the root of many future disabilities.

Having a good massage will help reduce this pain and its intensity. Certain chairs are custom-made to fight back pain, such as Osaki massaging chairs.

5. Helps with Sciatica pain: 

Sciatica is a prevalent type of leg pain that radiates from your hip to the lower part of your leg. Usually, this pain doesn’t go away on its own, and doctors advise physiotherapy for the cure.

But the different features offered by massaging chairs, such as heated massage rollers and deep tissue massage, will help you deal with this painful problem efficiently and comfortably.

6. Cost Friendly:

With the rise of back and muscle problems, the therapeutic sessions charge about $60 for an hour-long session. You will need multiple such sessions for complete recovery, which will cost you about $20,000 for a year.

On the other hand, a massaging chair will cost you about  $5000, which can be used for daily massage sessions for 3 to 5 years. It might look like a hefty investment, but it is much more cost-friendly in the long run.

7. Strengthening immune system:

With our heart rate running perfectly and our muscles relaxing, the massage chair helps to build our immune system. 

When we sleep peacefully at night and start our day without any muscle strain, we naturally have a better ability to fight any disease and infections.

Maintaining a Massage Chair:

As we discussed several benefits of having a massage chair, it is crucial to watch its maintenance. The massage chair is not just another piece of furniture sitting in your home. It is an electronic device, and if not taken care of properly, it can stop working, causing you money and time.

You can follow the following instructions to maintain your massaging chair for reliable performance and duration.

1. Cleaning the upholstery:

The upholstery is the most overused part of the massaging chair, and it can be more prone to damage. The areas with the most contact with upholstery can become sweaty, sticking to the contact areas. 

Therefore, cleaning the upholstery is a crucial task. Here is how you can do the cleaning effectively:

  1. Get a soft microfiber piece of cloth and clean the outer part of the upholstery.
  2. Then make a mixture of dishwashing liquid and warm water and clean the dirty areas of upholstery. Focus on cleaning the contaminated parts with more effort.
  3. In the end, take a leather conditioner if the surface is leather and apply it to finish the cleaning process.

2. Avoid Exposure to sunlight:

Always consider putting your massaging chair away from the window or direct sunlight, as it can damage your chair’s beauty and built-in material. Rays coming from the sun can cause discoloration and other spots on the chair’s surface.

But in case you want to keep the chair in the sunlight, always put a cover when it is not in use. In this case, you can protect the chair and enjoy your favorite spot simultaneously.

3. Use a vacuum cleaner for difficult areas:

It is challenging to remove all the dirt by using only hand in the cleaning process. Consider using a vacuum cleaner to eliminate any remaining dust. The vacuum cleaner will suck all the dirt from the machine’s inner corners and make it shine like a brand new massaging chair.

4. Using Massage chair regularly:

One of the best tips for maintaining a massaging chair is to use it regularly. If you don’t use the chair for an extended period, the parts will become malfunction. If you use massaging chair regularly, the components will remain lubricated and provide you with the best relaxing experience.

Why should I Reset My Massage Chair?

Resetting a massaging chair is not a tricky job and can cost you the trouble of calling a mechanic and saving a lot of money. You need to perform a reset setting to solve the following issues faced by a massaging chair:

1. Chair getting overheated:

Sometimes, the massaging chair gets overheated, or the temperature does not remain the same. You can delete incorrect settings to deal with this issue by resetting your chair.

2. Auto-timer is not working:

If the auto-timer is not responding correctly, you can face problems using the massage chair. It does not constantly interrupt the massaging experience, but we can overcome it by resetting the remote.

3. Noise problem:

Sometimes, the massaging chair starts to make sudden noises out of nowhere. This can happen for several reasons, such as a fault in the compressor or motor. In this case, you need to call a technician. Before that, try to reset the setting. It might help with the problem as well.

4. Features not responding:

If the specific features, such as massaging points or roller settings, are not responding in the massaging chair, a reset can help start afresh.

5. Machine abruptly stops:

Sometimes, the massaging chair can stop abruptly during massaging sessions. It can happen due to the change in specific settings of the remote. You can solve this issue by resetting the remote.

How To Reset The Massage Chair Remote?

How To Reset Massage Chair Remote

As we have seen the benefits of massage chairs and their problems, users should also understand how to reset the remote so they don’t have to call for outside service and save money.

Here is how you can reset a massage chair remote by following simple methods:

  • Step 1: Shut down the massage chair and make sure there is no load on the chair.
  • Step 2: Take the remote and simultaneously press the power and kneading buttons simultaneously.
  • Step 3: keep pressing the buttons for 7-10 seconds.
  • Step 4: You will see an error on the left of the screen if you have a built-in screen.
  • Step 5: If the massage chair pad vibrates, it means that factory restore settings are completed.


By following the above-described steps, you can easily reset your massage remote. On an important note, some massaging machine remotes have a dedicated button for reset purposes. Always read the given manual before using the electronics.

The problems are solved by using the reset button. But if you are facing issues after resetting the machine, it is better to call the technician. Remember to use the chair with great care and maintenance to avoid any inconvenience, as some massage chairs have different settings than others. Consider dealing with the machines according to their requirements.